Break out your inner Banksy!

Tune up your tags!

Prepare to paint!

It’s time to quite literally make your mark on the Vita Perfetta Graffiti Wall.


If you have an indoor event, we substitute spray paint for tagging markers. Rainy days can’t keep the taggers away!

Our resident tagger is taking their skills straight from the streets to your event, and will help you invent amazing graffiti!

We bring the wall and the spray paint, and you bring the creativity! Spray-paint any way you want, and watch as the wall comes alive with color and fun.

Find your signature style, whether it’s tagging, stenciling, wildstyle, block text, or just scribbling!

Let loose as you doodle, design, and draw!

Spray your way to artfully awesome fun, with the Vita Perfetta Graffiti Wall!