Lip bar

You’ve heard of concession stands. And you’ve heard of lemonade stands.

But we have something sweeter…or sassier…or whatever you want it to be!

It’s The Lip Bar by Vita Perfetta!

Step up to The Lip Stand and experience liquid lipstick reinvented…by you!
Paint that pout!
Style that smile!
Color that cranium..well, not all of it. Just your lips. 
This is your chance to create a custom lipstick with the help of our cosmetic experts. We aren't making this up! Pun very much intended.
Take a seat and explore a bounty of beautiful options. Sample colors to make sure your selection is right for you. Then take your color of choice, add gloss, matte, or satin, and even select a fragrance for your final product.
Apply your new liquid lipstick in front of our cutely lit selfie mirrors, then snap a shot to share your cosmetic creation.

So come take a seat at The Lip Stand by Vita Perfetta to design one-of-a-kind lipstick!