new york Vita Perfetta is in a New York state of mind! From the concrete jungle to the 'burbs, we're excited to offer some of our favorite services in New York. Check out our services below, and let's bring some Vita Perfetta flair to your next event! Animal Style Anime Caricatures Cali Boards Caricatures Caricature Body Tattoos Caricature Cell Phone Cases Crepes Cooke Dough Bar Cocktail Caricatures The Comic Store Custom Peg Dolls Digital Caricatures Edible Terrariums Epic Hot Chocolate Flower Power Portraits Friendship Bracelets GOLF BALL CARICATURES Handcrafted Harry Potter Butter Beer Line Art Portraits LetterBrush Art Mini Portrait “Paintings” Macramé Workshop Mini Surfboards Paper Flowers Musical Portraits Pet Portraits Pop Art Portraits Portraits Postcards Silhouette Cutouts Street Art Shoe Portraits Patch Bar Strolling Drawings Urban Style Portraits Wine, Tea & Coffee Portraits Wine Glass Portraits Pancake Art Smores Sticker Bomb Slime Tea Blends Tech & Photos Caricatures Performance Arts Arts & Beauty Spiritual & Wellness Sweets & Edibles